
B Noir Detour


April 2018

Race, Gender, and Bright (2017)

I finally got around to watching the hearty yet heartburn-inducing stew that is Bright (2017). I haven't yet decided the exact proportions of its recipe, but it definitely relies on servings of a number of past films and trends, including the... Continue Reading →

Blast of Silence

I haven't written for a Blogathon in a while, and a focus on 1961 offered a fun challenge: can I find film noir in 1961 America? A quick search brought up a low-budget thriller that I couldn't resist: Blast of Silence. Having... Continue Reading →

Returning to Casablanca

This week, I watched Casablanca (1942) for the first time in years, particularly the first time since becoming invested in studying film noir. I'd taken others' words for the idea that the film can comfortably be called noir, and I'd relied... Continue Reading →

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